Demonstrating and teaching hand spinning

At different occasions I have recently demonstrated the art and craft of hand spinning sheep’s wool with drop spindle and spinning wheel. I also shared my skills and experience and taught a few people at the Clydebuilt Festival 2019 and a group of teachers in Paisley this ancient and traditional textile craft.

For thousand of years in many areas of this world animal and plant fibres have been spun by hand, using a simple tool: a drop spindle. Later about 1000bc the more technical advanced spinning wheel was invented for hand spinning. I have various drop spindles and a spinning wheel, which I all enjoy to demonstrate and teach hand spinning with and of course to spinn wool for my own use. Some drop spindles have the whorl on top of the stick others at the bottom end. You would need to try both kinds to find out which one works best for you.
Spinning workshop as CPD for teachers

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